Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Moving Days

The process of moving our Regional Office has been complex and generated many tasks for me and those that are helping. There are businesses that need to be contacted, services that need to be changed, communication that needs to happen, furniture that needs to be moved, a design that needs to be created, people that need to be gathered, money that needs to be raised; on and on the list goes. Even though all of these tasks need to be done, many of them don't make you feel like you're actually moving--neither ahead nor physically.

But there have been a few tasks that have made me feel like this office move is really going to happen. One of these is moving our furniture, equipment and supplies from our old location to our new one. Last Friday and today we had a chance to take some big steps forward by moving furniture, equipment and supplies. It was a lot of hard work and there weren't as many helping hands as I had hoped for, but it feels good to have cleared out our current space and moved into our new one. It's like getting ready to go on a trip and then actually getting into the car and traveling. We are on our way there.


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