Friday, July 21, 2006

Curbing Our Expectations

Whenever there is change that is welcomed, it is easy to get excited and ambitious about all the things that need to happen in light of it. Such was the case with our Regional Office move. Back in May when Bob, Cas, Matt and I talked about the changes that needed to happen, our goal was to finish by August 1st--our official move-in day. Since then we have realized that many things we set out to do cannot be accomplished in the alloted timeframe.

As I met with the newly established Office Design Team last week, there was a common theme in our discussions--"we don't have enough"--time, man-power or money. In light of this realization, we needed to backtrack a bit, re-evalute our vision and goals for the office move and set some new timelines for our work to be finished. We had to curb our expectations.


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